We could be really good at we do and what we offer but, if the market doesn´t need it or simply doesn´t want it, we won´t be able to satisfy the market needs; our customer is not the same, so we should not.
The market and customers are always changing, but this last year was a catalyzer for change. Think a moment of yourself, or your family and friends: people are more likely to buy on-line things they have never bought on-line before, we all are a little more tech-savvy, we are concerned of keeping our distance at places as restaurants or malls, we have new needs concerning our houses; in general, our hierarchy of values has changed, and is still changing.
Businesses and companies that realize this behavioral change faster would be able to preserve some of their customers, or even attract more (https://redintegralis.com/2020/07/12/la-sobrevivencia-es-del-mas-rapido/) . It´s not enough to comply with COVID related regulations, for example distance, face masks, etc. that does not give us a competitive advantage or a differentiation value.
It may be that our customers still are the same persons or the same companies, but they have changed, we can´t pretend they need, require or want the same things they wanted a year ago(https://home.kpmg/xx/en/home/insights/2020/05/global-retail-trends-2020-preparing-for-new-reality.html).
If our Mission and Vision had been well-thought, then they may not require to be re-thought or adjusted, even our value-chain or macro-activities but, as our customer had changed, so should our objectives, strategies, some processes and may be our organizational structure.
It´s important to make a pause for this analysis, and not rush starting to think what to change in your organization; you can´t start by thinking on yourself, but on your customer. Try to start thinking from your customer´s point of view, the changes in your organization will only be a consequence.